
Big boy

Colson is growing so big. Check him out sitting with his ball by himself!

atticus charlotte colson ryan daddy mama

Sunny October Day

colson ryan

Colson and his Teddy Bear

colson ryan

Almost 5 months!

In 5 days, Colson will be 5 months old.
  • He rolls. Tummy to back. Back to tummy.
  • Before taking a bath last night, I sat him on the toilet. He peed!
  • He laughs. Cracks up.
  • He gives kisses (only on the cheek!)
  • He’s learning to sit in his high chair.
  • He loves petting the dogs.
  • He sleeps in his bed at night for around 12 hours straight.
  • He doesn’t take very good naps during the day. (I’ll take it!)
  • We bought a van.
  • He loves taking a bath.