Little Speier at 21 Weeks

I’m pretty sure I started cutting up the flannel sheets for this “baby wipes” project early last fall when we first discovered we were pregnant. Sadly, they lived stuffed in a yellow Forever21 sack for most of the winter. I pulled them out last week and cut up several more pieces while listening to “Heaven is for Real,” the audiobook I checked out from our local library.
After spending the day in front of the computer yesterday working on a website project, I decided to exercise some different creative juices and got out the sewing machine my mom got me last year for my birthday. I did have to make a call to Grandma Beth to ask her advice about my inside out stitching but I proceeded to spend the next several hours in front of the machine. I have to tell you, this baby does NOT appreciate me sitting in front of the computer or the sewing machine. Baby gets so squirmy and kicky begging me to stand up and walk around…
These sheets were our first set of “marriage” sheets from Ryan’s parents. While we were honeymooning in Boston, they sweetly came to our little apartment, bought a bed, our requested mattress and these sheets for us when we returned home. I am so happy I can use them for our baby – something just as special as our marriage!
We LOVE flannel sheets. Summer or winter. I’m pretty sure we slept in these long enough to wear them thin and some holes in places.
I adore this crib. It’s exactly what I’ve been looking for… Nubby spindles and a perfect match to the wood in our house. We also moved our orange rocking chair into the baby’s room and hung a map that was sitting on our office floor. It’s simple. I like it. We may add some little shelves for some books and hang a mobile above the bed. We’ll see.
Okay folks. Here you go. Don’t mind my messy house or the fact that I’m kneeling. Selfies are not my forte.